In the Book of Order (BoO) the Church is defined using historical documents as well as Scripture. In First Corinthians 12:27-28, the Church is defined as the body of Christ, but also the community of faith -- entrusting itself to God alone, even at the risk of losing its life. Following the teachings of Calvin, we read about the “marks” of the Church, which are the Word of God truly preached and heard, the Sacraments rightly administered, and ecclesiastical discipline uprightly ministered. These marks have been checks for the Church since the work of Martin Luther and John Calvin and the beginning of the Protestant Reformation. Later in the life of the Presbyterian Church (UPCNA) the idea of a Mission Statement was pondered and out of the discussion the “Great Ends” of the Church were formulated to become part of our constitution early in the twentieth century. These ends are 1) the proclamation of the Gospel for the salvation of humankind; 2) the shelter, nurture, and spiritual fellowship of the children of God; 3) the maintenance of divine worship; 4) the preservation of the truth; 5) the promotion of social righteousness; and 6) the exhibition of the Kingdom of heaven to the world. Our entire mission emerges from these tenants.
The primary mission that Columbian Presbyterian Church supports is LaFayette Outreach, which provides food and Christmas Angel gifts to families in our rural community and the Onondaga Nation. We also have members who share their time and talents via Meals on Wheels, the Matthew 25 Farm, the Samaritan Center, the Veterans' Hospital, and Friends in Service Here (F.I.S.H.). We provide apple pies to the LaFayette Apple Festival Court (AppleFest King and Queen) and have actively participated in community events such as Memorial Day parades, Winterfest and food drives.
We at Columbian Presbyterian are many members of the same body, working toward the same end. With that in mind, members use their gifts and talents to reach those in need. Every gift is honored and celebrated from the youngest members to our eldest teachers.
Friends in Service Here (FISH)
c/o Tully United Community Church 315-696-8659
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