Columbian Presbyterian Church
Individuals who are experiencing any symptoms, including cough, sore throat, runny nose, loss of taste or smell, headache, nausea, diarrhea, fatigue, body aches or a fever, are urged to stay home. Contact your deacon if you need assistance. We look forward to seeing you when you are well.
We will cooperate with any contract-tracing of a COVID-19 positive individual who comes onto church property. Photos will be taken prior to worship services to aid with verification.
The maximum number of individuals [and family groups] in the building will not surpass 50% of the building’s capacity [total capacity is 250].
Hand sanitizer and masks are provided for everyone’s use on the table in the Narthex.
Masks or facial coverings must completely cover the nose and mouth, and be worn when individuals are standing and moving about in church buildings, and when congregants are less than 6 feet away from someone who does not reside in the same household. Once seated, facial covering may be removed, if desired, provided 6 foot distancing is maintained.
Shaking hands, hugging and other physical contact is discouraged.
The Pastor or worship leader may remove any face covering when at the podium and more than 6 feet away from others not from their household.
The collection plate will be left on the table in the Narthex. Individuals may deposit envelopes in the plate prior to or directly after service.
Yellow prayer slips may be left in the basket on the altar or presented to the pastor or worship leader during service.
Frequently touched surfaces (ends of pews, bathrooms, handrails, door handles, office, etc.) are cleaned weekly and as needed. Hymnals and Bibles will not be sanitized since contact occurs once a week.
Attendees have the option to sing, but face coverings must be worn if less than 12 feet away from individuals not from your household.
When communion is offered, elements will be provided in sealed, individual portions on the Narthex table. The gluten-free wafer is packaged in a sealed compartment on top of the sealed juice portion.