In The Acts of the Apostles [6:1-6] we are introduced to the calling and ordaining of Deacons; people who serve the needs of the fatherless and widows within the community of the Early Church. The most famous of their numbers is Stephen, the young martyr who died confessing Christ.
In the Book of Order within our tradition a deacon is defined as someone "of compassion, service and witness, who also is willing to share the redeeming love of Jesus Christ for the poor, hungry, sick, lost, friendless, oppressed, and those burdened by unjust policies and structures or anyone in distress." Persons who have spiritual character and honest repute, lead exemplary lives, and demonstrate brotherly and sisterly love, sincere compassion and sound judgment --these are the people whom the church seeks to be members of the board of deacons.
Many people have doubts and fear that they are not qualified to be a Deacon. The church realizes that we live in a world that is broken and striving to be back in a right relationship with God, so our Deacons are to be of the highest caliber, and at the same time are willing and ready to admit to their mistakes and confess their sins to the Lord. It is the balance of strength and humility that best serves the Deacon who then serves the local church.
The Deacons of Columbian Presbyterian Church work in many different areas of the congregation. The largest portion of their ministry is the “Watch Care list,” which consists of members and friends of the congregation broken up into nine groups. Each Deacon watches over one list, calls when there is a change or special event, sends out greetings for holidays and special anniversaries, and watches for individual members who seem to be slipping through the cracks during difficult or traumatic events within their lives. Deacons share any concerns or needs with the Pastor so that visits to the hospital and home can take place, or at the very least a call or note. They also help with the flowers during the season of Christmas and Easter, set up the Lord’s Table for communion each month, send greetings and well wishes to the people of our community, distribute medical equipment, maintain the church library, and help out during the special services such as weddings, baptisms, ordinations and installation of officers and celebrations on the occasion of death.
Name | Committee | Phone Number |
Esther Klaiber | Chairperson; Strawberry Social Coordinator | 315-677-9861 |
Phil Favreau | Co-Chairperson and Recording Secretary | 315-677-7281 |
Frank Warner | Communion Coordinator; Nominating Committee | 315-427-5069 |
Julie Diefendorf | Sunshine Coordinator | 315-677-3460 |
Sharon West | Co-Coordinator for Easter Lilies & Poinsettias
| 315-329-4026 |
Jo-Anne Scammell | Rose on the Altar Coordinator | 315-434-9725 |
Ruth Anne Shute | Treasurer; Coordinator for Church Library | 315-677-1000 |
Phyllis Irwin | | 315-677-9274 |
Nancy Nicholson | Coordinator for Medical Equipment; Christmas Basket Coordinator; Easter Lily and Poinsettia Co-Coordinator | 315-677-9494 |
Rev. Shawn Reyburn | Emergency Relief Fund | 315-663-6851 |