
The Celebration of the Lord’s Table is one of two sacraments in the Presbyterian Church USA. It is an event that was participated in and facilitated by Jesus while he was living amongst the people of Israel. It is an integral part of the Holy Week celebrations leading up to the Passion of Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Jesus instituted this supper with the disciples in the upper room on the night He was betrayed. Jesus took both elements -- bread and wine -- and shared them with all those present, thus providing a physical and spiritual meal of sufficiency. Communion is an event that should take place regularly in the life of a church. The Book of Order states that this celebration should take place at least  quarterly. Here at Columbian Presbyterian Church, we celebrate the Lord’s Table the first Sunday of every month. Every effort is made to celebrate this holy meal with the sick and shut-ins of our congregation as soon as possible after the Sunday service. There are special times when Communion is offered during the year, such as Maundy Thursday and Christmas Eve. The Table can also be celebrated at a funeral or wedding if those present desire to partake of this poignant event.
Our communion table is open to anyone who professes Jesus as Savior. It matters not where you attend or even if you attend a local church; as long as you are a child of God we welcome you to break bread, sip from the cup and be full and satisfied from the bounty of our God. During the Covid-19 pandemic when communion is offered, elements will be provided in sealed, individual portions on the Narthex table.  The gluten-free wafer is packaged in a sealed compartment on top of the sealed juice portion.